As for other types of alimony, also the oil has various categories (according to REGULATIONS (CE) N. 1019/2002):

The beneficial property that the extra oil vergine of olive has on the organism are innumerevoli:

Our organism is not in a position to synthetizing in independent way the linoleico acid (most important under the nutrizionale profile), therefore, it must be ingested through the alimony. The assumed acid amount such cannot be advanced to the measure of the 10-15%, in how much the surplus comes immediately eliminated from the human organism. The linoleico acid content of the oil of extra olive vergine is medium of 10%, an optimal relationship that renders it particularly adapted to the human feeding. Other characteristic of the oil of extra olive vergine is the contained sparsity of of fat acids polinsaturi, than arranged with the presence of natural anti-oxidants it renders it particularly resistant to the high temperatures. The oil of extra olive vergine is rich of following the important substances:

Instead extremely poor E' of cholesterol and, between the products to high lipid content, is without a doubt the food that of it introduces the rate more low. Its acidica composition is optimal for what it regards the assimilation from part of our digesting apparatus. The oleico acid tenor of the extra oil vergine of olive oscillates between 70 and l'80%, arriving until 85%.